If you are interested in learning a new skill but aren’t looking for a full career change, one of our body work introductory courses could be just what you are looking for.

The programs focus on giving you sufficient skills to do complete basic sessions on friends and family. The classes teach you the basic skills in a highly focused and easily learned format. It’s amazing how much you can learn in 6 weeks in the day or 13 weeks in the evening.

Associate Polarity Program (120 hours – 15 days or 30 mornings or evenings)

Associate Swedish Massage Program (120 hours – 15 days or 30 mornings or evenings)

RYSE (Realizing Your Sublime Energies) (16 Hours – 4 mornings, afternoons or evenings)

The classes are ideal during summer vacation or for couples, friends or family who wish to learn a useful skill that brings them closer together. The benefits of the classes include:

  • An opportunity to complete the training in as little as 6 weeks
  • A useful skill that will enhance your life
  • Receive bodywork several times a week as part of the classes
  • Network with future professionals in the industry
  • Can be transferred into the Career Programs at a future date
  • A low-cost way to find out if this is right for you
  • A fun and valuable thing to do with family or friends

Whether you take the program simply to learn more or as a way to get started on a new career, what you learn is valuable for the rest of your life.


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