Your career success starts with getting the best education possible. When choosing a school, you must think of your future. There are many different schools and programs, and they all offer something different. It is important that your questions are fully answered so that you can make the best decision possible. We look forward to helping you take the next step toward your exciting new career path.
In order to enroll in Spa Tech Institute, you must:
To start your enrollment, begin by calling 800-262-8530 or fill out our online form at the top of this page. A Career Advisor will contact you to set up an information interview. You will then be required to complete these steps:
The College Score Card provides useful information on a variety of schools. However, it’s important to understand that the information is based on the accuracy of the information reported by the schools. Various schools may report data differently and therefore have either no results or inconsistent results. Therefore it’s very important that you do not base your decision solely on the information in the scorecard. You will want to set up an information meeting at the school as soon as possible to learn more about the programs, teachers, and your financial aid options, schedules and how to move forward with enrollment. Pay attention to your experience and find the school that best matches your needs and personality.
*Spa Tech Institute does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, ethnic origin or religion.
Important Note: Spa Tech Institute in Maine and Massachusetts makes no claim about employment after completion of your school. As a graduate we will help you with your job search but placement is dependent on your commitment and flexibility in schedule, pay and location. The school is dedicated to your success and offers a 20% credit on all future career training in the massage school, cosmetology school, aesthetics school or polarity school to give you a competitive edge by learning all that you can about the spa and wellness fields. The school also offers the Merit Scholarship for additional supervision in the student clinic at the school. Please contact the school director at the campus of your choice in Massachusetts or Maine for more information.
Spa Tech Institute is a leading massage, esthetician, and cosmetology school with four locations. We offer massage, esthetics, cosmetology, barbering, and nail tech programs.
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