The world of Polarity Therapy is about to change. Will you be ready?
The new Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) is about to change the health-care landscape forever. Besides stating the obvious that the health-care availability will probably be strained by additional people using it and an aging population, thereby making it very important for people to avoid getting sick, but also there are a lot of changes caused by the cost containment provisions that will cascade through the system.
In addition to the increased focus on preventive care*, there is another whole aspect that most people don’t know about. Nancy has been working closely with Integrative Health Providers who are on the leading edge of the changes that are coming and Polarity Therapy is perfectly positioned to take advantage of those changes.
Because Polarity Therapy is already an integrative care model, it will fit right into what’s coming. But even more exciting is that some of the more progressive companies that do self-insurance are already driving the process and Polarity Therapy has proven to be a powerful tool in reducing their health-care costs.
The following information from Nancy Risley is an indication of where things are heading. As Chair of the APTA Certification Board for Polarity Practitioners, Nancy has been very involved with a process that is making this all possible. Here’s what she can share at this point.
If you’ve experienced Polarity Therapy, you understand why it’s been called the Healing Art of the Future. The exciting thing is the future is happening now.
Polarity Therapists now have access to a new status, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP). Because of certification, doors have been recently opened to Polarity Practitioners under insurance coverage starting with a large self-insuring company. Several locations of this company have already hired Polarity Practitioners as providers for their employees. In three locations, the employees chose Polarity Therapy has their preferred holistic or integrative modality of choice for several reasons:
An initiative has started to introduce Polarity Therapy to other locations in New England.
An ROI (Return on Investment) study has been completed and is yet to be released on the effectiveness of Polarity Therapy and how much money the insurance company is saving on medical expenses. An eight-month study showed savings for medical cost in the $600,000 range with several scheduled surgeries reversed and no Workman’s Comp claims were made. This is only the beginning. The person who spearheaded this initiative is working on more studies and opening up more insurance reimbursed avenues for Polarity Therapists. Why are they doing this? Because it works!
The founder of Spa Tech Institute, Nancy Risley, is a member of a group involved in opening up these opportunities in New England. This is only the beginning. We are also investigating other avenues through different care initiatives to bring polarity to the public. This is being driven partly by provisions in the Affordable Care Act, both directly and indirectly.
If you’ve been called to Polarity Therapy for a long time, this is a great time to consider studying and getting your BCPP. This way you will be ready as the opportunities arise. As she did earlier this year, Nancy will continue to actively work with graduates of Spa Tech Institute who are BCPP approved as the opportunities open up.
We have always known that Polarity Therapy was powerful and effective. The hard part has been to get other people to understand how effective it is. In our “no pain, no gain” society the process of discovery has been slow. But at long last, it seems that the world is waking up to this exciting news.
We look forward to having you join us on the forefront of this new wave of Polarity Therapy as it expands into the world.
Nancy Risley, RPP, BCPP, RPE
* The preventive care and additional links are only the tip of the iceberg. The act is 1990 pages long so what you are seeing here is a subset. There are a lot of additional provisions and initiatives built into the act as well as mandates to define additional provisions as they are implemented. This process may take several years which is why Nancy is involved with a group of people who are actively involved with changes.
Watch this page for updates on the progress as things will be changing continually.
The post Breaking News for Polarity Therapy appeared first on Spa Tech Massage School Maine.
Spa Tech Institute is a leading massage, esthetician, and cosmetology school with four locations. We offer massage, esthetics, cosmetology, barbering, and nail tech programs.
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