Facebook Posting Frequency

Spa Tech • August 20, 2013

What Posting Frequency Works Best on Facebook and Twitter?

If you have a business listing, this is an important issue that is very important due to changes that were implemented at Facebook and Twitter recently. We are reviewing this at the school now. We have many Facebook pages and they are linked to Twitter as well. A year ago the professionals were advocating posting hourly so you would show in the news feed when people were on.


The logic was that people only see a small amount of the traffic. But then Facebook and Google changed their parameters for what is called the “surfacing” formula which is what determines which things you see and which ones are buried.

Less is Now More, Again

Now it’s all about Engagement. The higher the engagement, the higher your posts will rank. The following articles add some interesting insight to the discussion. http://www.socialbakers.com/blog/882-secret-social-marketing-tips-best-post-frequency http://snapshotsocialmedia.com/content-marketing/top-challenges-in-content-marketing/

Discounts Are King on Social Media

One thing that is indisputable is this: The number one reason people will go to your professional page is if they can get discounts or free stuff.

Key Points to Remember

  • Decide what the purpose of your page is all about. What are you trying to accomplish?
  • People don’t care as much about what you are doing as you think they do.
  • People are busy and don’t want a lot of excess information, but they are willing to engage if it brings them value.
  • What is your Value Proposition?

Given this short list, here are my recommendations for people in the spa, salon and health industry.

  • Set up your page so people have a resource for checking on appointment availability, particularly if they get a discount by using your page to book sessions. You can tie it in with your booking software which I hope you are all using at this point.
  • If you are posting openings or daily discounts, post each morning. Posting it so they have to engage in the post to get the discount is a way to increase engagement which is a very important thing to do.
  • If you post more than one post a day, make sure that there is a very good reason and that there is a high likelihood of getting good engagement on both posts.
  • Unlike other products or brands who are attempting to increase their visibility and have complex SEO campaigns, your goal should be to create a place for people to get specific information related to what you offer.
  • If you sell products, you may ask your followers if they have a product they recommend or if they have feedback on a product you are considering carrying. Or if you are thinking of opening a new time slot, like Saturday mornings, and would like to find out who would be interested, you may get some engagement on these questions.
  • If you are learning a new technique you may want to post it to let people know or ask if they have had it and what they think of it. You can also check beforehand to see if they have particular types of services that they would like to see you include.
  • Use the Page analytics to see what see what is getting the best response. Keep tuning your strategy to increase the level of engagement. Comments and Likes are your friend for being seen by more people.
  • Posting platitudes and puppies is probably not a good idea.
  • Posting personal stuff also has limited value unless you are the product (musician, actor, celebrity, etc.).

The search and social companies have one thing in common: They are trying to make it so the content is relevant to what the audience wants. If you post just to get noticed but there isn’t much value, you will fall in relevancy. If you are posting something of true value your relevancy will increase. So focus on giving people what they really want and you will do well, no matter what changes the companies make to their products.

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