Prosperity Destroying System

Spa Tech • February 21, 2013

Want to know how to destroy your prosperity?

It’s simple. Let stress build so your body cannot stay healthy. The higher the stress the less resilient you become and the more your body breaks down. A recent article on the Cost of Getting Sick is a must read . It’s also the reason that we love the spa, massage and particularly the polarity field. For a fraction of the cost of a hospital visit, you can give yourself the best defense against getting sick and having your prosperity disappear overnight.

As much as I dislike focusing on a negative subject, the realization of the obscene profits the medical industry makes on keeping people sick is, well, obscene. The overcharging for services and drugs are just the tip of the iceberg. The system is built on fear and keeping the public ignorant. Of course, when faced with a life threatening condition, the natural response is to do whatever it takes to survive. But how much is the industry doing to educate people on how to be healthy?

When was the last time your healthcare provider said, “You need to spend more at the spa and less on doctors and medication.” When you consider the benefits of getting regular sessions and how it improves the quality of life, it’s amazing that so few people are doing it. But it looks like the current changes in healthcare are about to do two things:

  1. Bankrupt the country
  2. Reduce the quality of care at the same time the prices skyrocket

To its credit, the new Affordable Healthcare Act does have provisions for Integrative Care which includes more education and alternative care. There has never been a more urgent time to take control of your well-being. The cost of getting sick is way too expensive and unless you are very wealthy, it will bankrupt you. So the only truly prosperous path is to create a personal wellness plan that creates optimal health. Exercise, diet, healthy activities and bodywork are a powerful way to create a level of health prosperity that will affect all areas of your life. It makes you more creative and increases your ability to see and take advantage of opportunities. It improves your relationships and even may help prevent accidents.

So don’t delay. The clock is ticking and there are no do overs. Start getting regular sessions now and decrease your exposure to medical expenses so you have more resources for creating the life you want.

Be well,

Kris Stecker

President of Spa Tech Institute

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