Prosperity, Taxes and You

Spa Tech • February 5, 2010

This topic is somewhat different but very important to creating future prosperity. A key part of prosperity is investing the fruits of what you have worked to manifest. This only can happen to the extent that someone is not robbing you. Unfortunately, your pocket is being picked and it is going to get worse unless something starts to change rapidly. The following article puts this in perspective. Wealth is leaving New Jersey, BC study shows – Daily Business Update – The Boston Globe

It’s so simple, taxes cause changes in behavior. People move, they stop giving to charities and they stop creating jobs. Unfortunately, elected officials have jumped the shark and see the world very differently than entrepreneurs. Elected officials have a vested interest in finding ways to make government bigger. That’s how they get paid. The bigger the government is, the more they get paid. So they do this by creating programs that attract people who will vote them into office and support making government bigger.

One way this is going to change is when taxes get so high and government gets so big that it crushes the free enterprise system. This will make jobs go away which will reduce the collection of taxes and will ultimately lead to the collapse of the country and the government. Of course, the alternative is for everyone who is in business or understands business to become proactive in helping to elect people who will reduce taxes. It’s not going to be easy because the politicians who are entrenched in the system will create every crisis they can to rally those who are benefiting from the welfare state. Be involved with creating the right environment for prosperity to thrive. If we don’t, we pass on a more difficult world to all those who follow. Posted using ShareThis

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